Intel has unveiled the Core Ultra 200S series processors, marking a significant advancement in enthusiast-class AI desktop PCs. These new processors, ...
Qualcomm katkestas äkki ja vaikselt 899 dollari Snapdragon X Elite arendaja komplekti ja andis tagasi tagasimakse klientidele, kes on seadme ostnud a...
At Embedded World North America, Analog Devices unveiled CodeFusion Studio, a comprehensive software development environment designed to accelerate in...
Qualcomm has unveiled the IQ Series, a new line of industrial-grade processors engineered for high-performance AI workloads in demanding environments....
Digitimesi uusim uuringuaruanne juhib tähelepanu sellele, et Hiina mandriosa kiibide impordi ja ekspordi summa suureneb vastavalt 2024. aastal vastav...
Bourns has introduced several new components aimed at enhancing performance in automotive, industrial, and renewable energy applications. These produc...